Its All About Faith


Author: Rekha Gupta

Currently the world is in the midst of a crisis ,declared by WHO as pandemic. Situation sometimes seem to be spiraling out of control.

We try to grasp but are unable to…….as humans we need answers all the time, however if don’t get an answer we develop fear…fear of the unknown…..

Fear is a negative emotion and manifestation of fear weakens our divine powers that further weakens the immunity system too,which at this time no one can afford. C@RG

We have to shift from fear to FAITH; as whatever we focus on, it multiplies manifolds and more people with faith means,

more collective energy and more power – Lets all collectively manifest on a healthy universe ,trusting the Supreme Power completely to keep one and all healthy and safe.C@RG

Prayers and Best wishes to all. Take Precautions and Stay Safe……

Author: Rekha Gupta



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