Aatma Parmatma


Author : Rekha Gupta

Chapter -1

Long Read, Alert People, Beware this one is for people like you and me who really are interested in knowing about spirituality.

And for those who are not, well just a suggestion to read a few lines and who knows this maybe the beginning for you.

I have tried to simplify it so that some of you who may not want to go that deep can use something from the post to just maybe better the quality of their life.

Well they say ‘less is more’  in todays time for almost everything but ironically for me ‘More is Less’ . I am greedy to absorb it all, be it wholesome information or knowledge in any form, I need to absorb it all. There is so much to learn from various literate authors on subjects ranging from our country Bharat, Religion, The Puranas, Shastras, our heritage, culture, Cosmos, Science, Universe and beyond and what intrigues me the most till date is the being of Human Beings.

Generally people are wary of spirituality as there is a false notion that not only is it a heavy subject that is difficult to comprehend so meant either for the old or for those who have renounced the world. Read on… you are in for a pleasant surprise !

But what exactly is Spirituality ?

Its the knowledge of Soul /Aatma or simply put: its the knowledge of ‘Self’. And when one learns of Aatma and Aatma’s powers within then one understands the connection between Aatma and Parmatma ( Soul & Supreme Soul ). One is better equipped to evolve sooner as a better human being. The sooner one is aware of self, easier it is to traverse this journey of life.

I am sure each one of us at some stage in our lives have wondered about our existence, who we are and what is our purpose in this life. Well my understanding though a little but is nonetheless enough to give me some clarity on -when we came into being, how we connect to each other, how and why is each ones’ destiny different and the very purpose of our existence.

Who am I ? were answers that were important for me in my journey of evolvement. I am sure I am not there yet but the journey has begun.

Human : means Body which is made of five elements : earth, water, fire, air, space ( prithvi, jal, agni,vayu, akash )

Being : means Soul /Aatma : is energy. Soul that is eternal, indestructible, imperishable.        (Aatma is amar, ajar, Avinashi) Each Soul is the child of Supreme Soul thus endowed with seven original divine sanskars /qualites of  Supreme Soul.

‘har aatma sapt guni aur 16 kala sampoorn’

Neither Supreme Soul nor Soul can be seen.

Seven original divine sanskars of each Soul are : purity, peace, power, love, knowledge, truth and bliss. None of the divine sanskars can be seen but are only felt. How amazing is this !

Aatma’s faculty is ‘mind’ and its function is to create ‘thoughts’, so this is how each one of us is connected too each other via mind and thoughts. Although science can neither see Aatma nor mind or thoughts yet it has established that one connects to another via ‘telephathy’. All the more reason to monitor ones thoughts as when one person creates a thought, it soon becomes a universal thought therefore time and again you will hear gurus emphasising to create only positive thoughts no matter what the situation be. Such is the power of Human mind’s thoughts.

Human being : it is a fact that it is the Soul/Aatma that governs the body as mind creates thoughts that are first transmitted to the brain, then to the body to speak or do as it has been told by Aatma. There is clarity now that Aatma governs and is the master of the body as body cannot do anything on its own, eg.when the Soul leaves the body, the body becomes lifeless.

As Soul is all powerful so is Mind and Thoughts. Thoughts are internal so the thoughts one creates is internal karm, the most powerful karm. As this internal karm is followed by external karm of body that are the spoken words and actions.

Thoughts, spoken words, actions ;  all three are karma.

Aatma is on an eternal journey of life after life, it carries forward all of its past lives karmic accounts that are good & bad both to all its future lives. Eg.- a new borns horoscope / kundali  that is made : based on time, place and date of  birth. Horoscope is an astrological chart representing the relative positions of planets at the time of birth that helps in foretelling events good or bad that will happen in this present birth which are all derived from ones past karmic accounts.

Karmic account is a credit and debit account, like our bank account wherein when we put in money it is credit, when we withdraw it is debit and as we are attentive of our bank accounts similarly we need to be more attentive of our karmic account.

Karm – each positive and pure thought / word / action is credit to ones account, whereas each negative bad thought / word / action  is debit to ones account.

Result of karma : millions of people on this planet yet each one with different finger prints similarly each one’s destiny is completely different from all others as destiny is based on ones past lives karmic account (forgotten now) and present life’s karmic account.

 Srimat Bhagvad Gita : Karma is absolutely accurate and fair according to ones past and present life’s karmic account.

Karmas consequences will certainly come back in this life as well as future lives and manifolds more with interest for karma never looses an address .

One cannot undo what wrongs one has done in the past lives but one has a chance and power now in the present moment- to make the right choices as one can keep changing ones future as you want it to be because one’s destiny is in one’s own hands. Can be used only if one is aware of being a Soul first then understands the law of Supreme Soul that is the law of karma.

Purpose of our very existence is to co-exist. Like the body has 70 trillion cells so science says and when a message is conveyed by mind to the brain then transmitted to the body and carried out within a miniscule of a second because of a chain like formation of cells similarly we all are meant to be helping one another without a thought or a Pause.

When a Soul uses all the seven divine sanskars every moment in ones life then such a person is a divine soul.

Now we are in Kalyug as such most of us are using only the ‘acquired sanskars (qualities)’ of body consciousness, having forgotten ‘Soul’s original divine sanskars’.

Acquired sanskars of body consciousness : ego, hate, envy, lies, greed, deceit, competition, jealousy, revenge etc..

When each one of us starts to use our divine sanskars again it will be satyug / golden age again.

Om Namah 🙏

For those who enjoyed this post, do read the next one on ‘ Am I body? OR Soul ?’

Author : Rekha Gupta


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