One Happy Woman !!


Author: Rekha Gupta

The other day I stumbled upon a cartoon depiction in a newspaper, of a homemaker and an office-goer– as a funny comparison. The office goer was all dressed and proud with a bag headed out: while the housewife was depicted as having several arms managing each function of the house. But her expressions were sad/unhappy. That set me thinking. Who was supposed to be in a better position and who was actually being mocked at? I realised,we need to change this thinking and fast: C@Rg

Somewhere the early 80’s & 90’s , saw the rise of working women class in India, which in itself was a remarkable thing yet somewhere in some corners we suddenly saw home makers with varied mixed confused feelings and it was not good and it continued for years to come, so much so that the need to defend their roles as home makers became very strong and important to them.

Something that was so effortless earlier, looking after your family , loved ones, cooking meals, was no longer cool. They were so happy doing their bit as homemakers as that was their choice but suddenly they became disgruntled and unhappy? why? what changed? Someone somewhere decided to work? Suddenly homemakers felt inadequate , competitive (secretly proud at being better at some domestic skills and mocking at their counterparts) while some chose to openly being unhappy that they couldn’t work and enjoy life outside and beyond home and how they had sacrificed their careers for their families or how their after marriage families were orthodox hence they couldn’t work…seriously? C@Rg

Similarly , I see much younger working women unable to take a ‘happy’ sabbatical for a few years when they are on the family way. They get so restless, they feel while life is moving at supersonic speed for others it has suddenly stopped for them. Working, parties everything takes a backseat. Time to pause & think:

All these trends are disturbing and Im not sure one article of mine is going to change much however if it does help change the perspective of even a few women, Ill be very happy.

As women we are very , I repeat very very lucky to be endowed with so many qualities, emotional strength and multitasking being a few of them. We pass through various phases of life where we make choices, depending on circumstances at those times. Those decisions were good for us then. It should make us happy. If not, time to fix it and make another choice . However let us not belittle our roles , because if we do not respect what we do, no one else will. C@Rg

Without wanting to sound preachy, there can be no downside to being a homemaker…for me it is as important ,respectful, resourceful as anything else.It certainly is the toughest job to be working every minute of the day non stop either physically or mentally and that too selflessly. It is how you carry yourself and how you feel about yourself.

Your homemaking job may lack appreciation and for that matter salary even but the pressure and deadlines, O boy!! thats no less. Is it ? And the job satisfaction at the end of the day: Incomparable !

Remember please whatever you want to do , ITS YOUR CHOICE. Nope don’t put it on family, or anything else. If its your choice, you live it and you be happy in it or else change it. It isn’t difficult. C@Rg

I know , I know – Eat ,Read , Write ,Pray, Meditate, Love,Travel, Sing ,Dance ,or just be bored – are some of the things housewives have heard a tad too many times but believe me we are living in the best times , with the ongoing digital revolution, It is incredible to see all the hidden talents suddenly emerging in various forms – homemakers as bakers, chefs, bloggers, influencers, writers, singers and what not. We surely have started a whole new line of careers.…. who would have thought. ? And super happy to see this work family balance and a change in the perspectives.

In fact I want to go a level deeper here , whether homemaker or office goer, what is really important is that SENSE OF PURPOSE. This truly defines your existence and decides happiness for you. One may be in the highest paid job but going directionless, or an excellent homemaker may feel a constant void. So let us search for that sense of purpose while enjoying life to its fullest. C@Rg

Do not ever take anything too seriously as every moment everything and everyone is changing, so smile more laugh more and enjoy life more .

Author: Rekha Gupta



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