Let us think Bio- LOGICALLY, for once


Author Rekha Gupta

The other day I saw on news how sea animals were suddenly coming out on shores around the world and reclaiming perhaps what was their’s a long while ago. It was so heartening and sheer bliss to see the dolphins and swans swim carefree upto the shores and fearlessly so. It also hit me hard that how selfish humans had become that they casually and conveniently went on to occupy inch by inch of mother earth- they completely forgot how to co-exist !!..
And all this within a span of 2 weeks, when humans wer
eĀ  cowering and hiding behind a deadly virus, the other species were flourishing,dancing and enjoying what was rightfully theirs .C@Rg

The best part is, after occupying forcefully, we don’t even want to take care of mother earth. Since eons now we as a race of humans, are not only choking under self created mindless rut & stress of detrimental levels but are also choking mother Earth literally ,with each technological advancement we burden her more. And then came this virus ,which seems to have been a boon in disguise for all except humans.Suddenly mother earth is breathing, animals are out of their hibernation .C@Rg

Let this episode not go down waste and be treated as a reality check for humans, that how we need to respect and love  what nurtures us, how we need to let the other species grow too and not infringe on their territory………or else all that it takes is a small bacteria, to wipe out this race.C@Rg

Author Rekha Gupta


  1. Hi šŸ‘‹ I have also bought lot of raw haldi and using it sparingly . But unfortunately still had to take my morning cup of tea. That is like petrol for my body and an addiction . Sorry about it dear.Though I am trying to get rid of it and listen to your advice.


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