
Author Rekha Gupta There is only one pretty child in the world, and that every parent has!๐Ÿ˜‹ From the time a mother conceives,the parents' life starts to revolve around the "to be born baby", the euphoria then planning...
Author Rekha Gupta "This is a fun, heartfelt appeal written by Indian Food. Use of 'I 'and 'me' is Indian food." Dear Talented young women and men of India, Hasnโ€™t it been long since...
Author Rekha Gupta ''To be appreciated'' is a universal desire & reaffirmation of  acceptance . "To appreciate" is a sign of Gratitude. Do we recollect the last time we gave a compliment ? or the last...
Author Rekha Gupta A couple of years back My daughter and I were having our usual...
Author Rekha Gupta โ€œWithin the first twenty seconds of meeting someone, our brain makes 11 different impressions about them including their intelligence, socioeconomic status, education, competence and trustworthiness,โ€ This is a subconscious process people cannot seem to control. You most likely wonโ€™t...
Author: Rekha Gupta To all those who are surprised by the title and wondering about the connection, will have to read the whole article.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜„ And don't worry, this article is a short one ๐Ÿ˜…. The other day my...
Author: Rekha Gupta I often we lived a hundred years back..... ...
Author Rekha Gupta The other day I saw on news how sea animals were suddenly coming out on shores around the world and reclaiming perhaps what was their's a long while ago. It was so heartening and sheer bliss to see the dolphins...
Author: Rekha Gupta Hold! Brakes! Hang on! All those with high hopes and running their imaginations wild โ€“ Iโ€™m sorry to disappoint you โ€“ Iโ€™m not the Famous Bollywood Celeb!! But wait, what the heck, I do consider...

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