All Work and No Play makes you dull :)


Author Rekha Gupta

”Bachpan” invokes nostalgia and the memories that we created while playing many street games . Played outdoors, all day long in the scorching heat of summer vacations to winter chills yet were never tired . On the contrary we were always pleading for just that 10 more minutes of extra play . Born and brought up in Delhi : I spent a thrilling childhood in a lane where there were always 10 to 12 kids out playing at any given time of the day And I bet this was the scene in almost every lane in Delhi. These games , although now still played at school’s annual sports day or at family and community picnics are no more seen on the streets or parks of our colonies.๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ Let us revisit and perhaps revive some of these if possible!

Games like Pakdam Pakdai, Langdi Taang, Gilli danda, Spoon race , Leg race , Sack race , Slow cycling , dog and the bone, hide and seek, pitthoo etc. were simple fun games yet neither were they reputed nor did they ever get the status of a ” sportโ€™โ€™ however- if one was to look deeper into these games , they would realise that each of these games was not only physically invigorating but also carried some deep hidden life philosophies as well. It was up to us to figure that out. These were the simple, no fuss games, that had no rules ,no fixed players and no one was taught how to play .C@Rg

As a child I loved to play, any and every game whenever I could manage to dodge my mummy .๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ˜›

While we were playing these games, they silently prepared us for life testing lessons and honed our skills.C@Rg

Spoon raceImagine racing, that too with a spoon in mouth and a lemon in that small groove of the spoon. The race was in no way a race but rather a careful and cautious walk on a designated path . This game taught very strongly ‘ to focus‘ only on one’s own spoon and the lemon in it, cause the moment one would look at another, the lemon would fall and the person would be out of the race. There was no tiny window even, to look at your co opponent or another participant, there was no scope of rushing. You had to perfect that right speed. This game so beautifully teaches us to focus only on ones own life journey as there is no competition with anyoneย else and the moment I look at others achievements ,immediately my focus and energy shifts from my journey and that much time is lost. Also you need not be in a mindless rush to overachieve, tread and walk this beautiful journey called life, enjoying every moment and at the right speed.

One legged race , one leg each of two kids were tied together and both had to complete the race hopping on 1 leg each . In this case both had to accurately assess each other’s strength and speed, be in perfect sync with one another and none trying to overshadow the other. So only when in complete consonance with each other, could the race be enjoyed, finished and maybe won too. This game teaches team spirit so strongly. How to build on your companion’s positives only and ignore the negatives,(in this case tying of 1 leg). In life whosoever is with me at various stages, only if I am able to understand his perspective, his strengths and I am in complete harmony, will I be truly be able to enjoy each moment of life. No one is superior or inferior, each one is endowed with different skills as of varied interests . C@Rg

Pakdam PakdaiRun and ‘catch your friends’ game!! Remember running around at a supersonic speed as if a bunch of ferocious dogs were let loose on us that we had to escape to save our life . .The game of course besides making our speed better , the leg muscles stronger ,increased our stamina too. Imagine if we were to chase our dreams at this speed with the same vigour and zest , there perhaps is nothing that we wont be able to achieve.

Sack raceThis race wherein you are all tied and confined in a sack till the waist ,teaches us that even if the movement is restricted and constrained , and no matter what, you got to keep moving : so instead of walking one would hop, and you do so smiling and giggling amused at your own appearance at having doing so, and happily reach the destination. In life when circumstances are neither in control nor conducive ,and you feel constricted , instead of sulking , try taking it on with a similar laughter as in the game and focus on the possible options for a solution .

Langdi Taang As if Pakdam Pakdai was not enough, along came a slightly notched up more difficult Langdi tang. Come to think of it ,that was ”Vriksh Asan” but in motion . We learnt to remain focused so as to perfectly maintain body’s balance even on one leg that too while running around ,not a small feat. So this time chasing your dreams but with hurdle and obstacles. You have just tweaked the game physically making it more difficult, but mentally you still have the same zest & vigour and desire to catch all your friends and that too within the stipulated time. But when life give you obstacles, your energy goes down, you lose that vigour. Next time this happens, remember this game ๐Ÿ™‚

Slow Cycling is played very differently with each person trying to ride the cycle at its slowest speed. This involves a certain technique, right speed, maintaining calm and balance and of course like all other games, extremely focused. The result is a surprise: The person who reaches the finishing line last would be the winner! In life we get anxious if someone has gone ahead of us but in reality no one is neither ahead of me nor behind me , as each one has to tread on a different path . There can never ever be competition with anyone as each ones journey is different. Sometimes  what we are aspiring for could take much more time than we expected  but more important is to be enjoying it while pursuing it and with focus and perseverance everything is achievable.C@Rg

Dog and the bone-one player from each team , both wanting to grab the bone(hankerchief ).That time at least I thought it was about dodging the opponent but alas It was never about dodging an opponent rather it was about that nano second of reflex, mindfulness and extreme agility that got one the bone/Prize. The game not only sharpened our mind but taught us the value of that life changing nano second. When you get that opportunity, grab it.

Chupam chupai /Hide and Seek- The simplest and the most fun of all. one child the seeker is blindfolded who has to look for all others and call out their names upon touching them. So when one sense is blindfolded, all your other senses are heightened and getting sharper. Its ok to be blindfolded sometimes in life, not knowing which way you are headed., your other senses will make sure that things will work out just fine.

Gilli Danda- This game I excelled in and hence was very close to my heart. Hold ! Do not even think about dismissing it as a silly street game cause it is a combination of technique and skill of many games combined . I am sure most of our cricketers have played this street game in their childhood to hit perfect sixes in cricket . You had to focus like ”Arjun when he pierced the birds eye’‘, to touch the Gilli at its tiniest part that is its tip, for it to bounce high and then to hit it hard while still in air with a round ‘danda’ so as to drive it as far as possible which was no less than the thrill of hitting a sixer!

Pitto: This street game (literally) placing of flat stones on top of each other and hitting with a ball., and then trying to reassemble the fallen stones, while dodging and saving yourself from being hit by the opposing team .This game talks volumes about a deep meaning which, if life at any stage looks difficult and is all crumbling, you can always pick up the pieces and start all over again.C@Rg

Teamwork, lot of physical strength, mental endurance, extreme coordination and synchronisation were some of the traits developed while playing the Tug of War.

I’m sure by now all of us understand how strongly these games impacted our cognitive skills and how essential they were in growing up years. They seemed easy & fun but by end of the day they left us sharper, alert, stronger, and most of all happier. They taught us many invaluable values for a life like team spirit, companionship, strength, coordination. C@Rg

Another valuable lesson these games taught us is to be completely in the present moment. These days it is a rarity to see kids out in the park playing outdoor games.

The new age digitisation has got an influx of I pads and phones and along with them screen games. These gadgets were never meant to replace our good old outdoor street games but unfortunately they ended up doing exactly that ,leaving children cocooned in their rooms all day long, and getting a host of problems along side like mood swings , depression, leaving many children anxious and unable to be socially active.

We do see kids playing ‘sport’ like tennis and skating but more so at a professional level. But for a healthy mind devoid of mood swings, outdoor games are super important and should be encouraged in all generations. Children emulate parents. Isn’t it time we encourage them by going out and playing these games ourselves. May sound a little illogical and weird to you but believe me its worth a shot.

Have Fun๐Ÿ˜Š

Author Rekha Gupta

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  1. Definitely! Its worth a shot..outdoor activities are anyday much more important to elevate our mood, keep the kids active and fit.
    I, myself have played 50% of these games in my childhood but would love to repeat it again after reading this๐Ÿ˜
    Great article!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅฐ

  2. The fact that this topic is close to our hearts is true , but the way you so beautifully interpreted a life philosophosy with each game is praise worthy and very deep

    • Yes ,this perspective is solely mine and it astonished me hence thought of sharing it with all.Thankyou Rajesh for appreciating ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hi Rekha! This is one of those articles which I’m sure most people can relate to. Social Media really has deprived us of some wonderful opportunities!

    I’m glad that your articles showcase a wide perspective on what’s going on in the world.

    Keep them coming!!

  4. It is so well put together Rekha!

    I so loved to be outdoors as a child and a young adult. Enjoyed most of the street games.

    You have brought out the life lessons so well!

    How I wish we had a playmate like yours in our squad ๐Ÿ˜Š We were all boys!!

    • Thankyou Ashok for appreciating and so glad that the post took you down memory lane. Well regarding a playmate like me, its never too late friend organise and let me know:)

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